PLEASE READ: NTI Web does not contain any property or transaction specific information or documentation. Please contact one of our offices for assistance in locating this type of information. For commercial (not residential ) deals, you can also fill out the form here and someone will get back to you.

NTI Web provides state-by-state title insurance information including recording fees, mortgage and transfer taxes; document execution requirements; laws and customs; and fee splits.

DISCLAIMER: All NTI Web users must accept our Disclaimers/Terms of Use during the registration process. The information contained on this website is provided as a courtesy, and is not to be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion with respect to a particular real estate transaction or any matters related thereto, including the obtaining or issuance of title insurance. Fidelity National Title Group, Inc., its affiliates and subsidiaries (FNF) do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, relevance or comprehensiveness of any information contained herein. The materials found on this website discuss real estate and title insurance in a general sense, and thus not all of the information provided is applicable to all transactions; accordingly, some of it may be inapplicable to a given transaction. You are therefore urged to retain independent legal counsel of your choice to advise you in connection with any proposed real estate transaction. Engagement of FNF to provide title insurance and related services in connection with a real estate transaction is not a substitute for the retention of independent legal counsel.

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